Sábado 5 de junio,18:50 horas. Dentro del encuentro “Invasion of Reality”-Prose, Politics & Poetry in the Time of Corona”. Organiza: European Writers´Council (en inglés).
A foray through poetry: Short, to the point, lyrical, political, erotic, humorously tender and resistant. This is how poets describe reality, dreams, visions, love, loneliness, and politics. With Arne Johnsson (poet, literary critic, Sweden), Gino Leineweber (poet, translator, Germany), Raquel Martínez- Gómez (novelist, poet, Winner of the 2010 European Union Prize for Literature for Spain), Jitka Bret Srbová (poet, writer, President of the Czech Writers’ Association), Asuman Tümer (poet, author, Turkey). Moderator: Porter Anderson (Editor in Chief, Publishing Perspectives). Approximately at 19:25 – CLOSING.
Ver vídeo en: https://europeanwriterscouncil.eu/invasionofreality
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